What are Your New Years Resolutions ?

What are Your New Years Resolutions ?

It is still the beginning of the new year... 2020... a new decade!! Something about this new year has me feeling refreshed, renewed, hopeful, and excited for what’s to come. For me, 2019 was a year of growth and many challenges, but I am happy to say I survived and I am prepared for what is in store now. I know it is cliche to have new year’s resolutions, but I always find myself doing them every year as a way for me to look back and see what I have accomplished and then look forward to see what else I can accomplish in another year! This year I’ve set some personal goals to help me grow as a young individual. Goal setting is so important throughout the year, and it is something I live by. It is good to constantly remind yourself of your goals even though they are long-term for the year. But during the days, weeks, and months, set small short-term goals that will help you get to the bigger picture! It only takes one step to start something great and it is up to you to make it happen! I usually hand-write my goals so I can physically see it, but this year I wrote them down on my phone and look at it everyday as a constant reminder for what I want to accomplish this year. Some of my resolutions are to budget more, diet better, travel, read, and to enjoy life as it comes! Reading over my resolutions creates excitement in my life as I strive to become a better individual and I hope I motivated you all to write some resolutions and goals for yourself after reading this. I’d love for you to share them in the comments! 

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