Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

Summer-time is coming closer and closer... and some of us may already be on summer vacation! It is still an exciting time despite this year’s setbacks for staying home and staying safe. This Summer will actually be a little bit different than what it usually is... it already feels different to me. But, it is important to make the most and BEST out of it especially with the time we have. I like to make summer bucket lists of places I want to go, activities to try, and adventure and memories to create. This year, I encourage all of you to make a bucket list, but make it so things can be done and still enjoyed at home. I know it’s a bit different and it’s not like we can get in the car and go to Disney or catch the next flight out to California. But, there are still things you can do to make summer just as enjoyable and just as memorable. Start with your bucket list! Here are some ideas: 

Go on an online shopping spree

Paint something 

Learn to play an instrument 

Learn a new language 

Write a song 

Make a dance 

Start cooking simple recipes 

Re-organize your room 

Run everyday and set small exercise goals 

FaceTime your best friends and have a virtual party / sleepover 

Disney movie marathon! 

Make some Tik-Tok videos 

The list can go on and on! It is amazing what you can think about doing if you put a little creativity into it. This is my motivation for you! Start making that bucket list and make this summer count no matter where you are spending it!! 

Share your ideas in the comments. We’d love to know how you’re spending your summer vacation! 

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