New Year, New Me!

New Year, New Me!

A New Year's resolution is an awesome way to challenge yourself. For many, a New Year's resolution helps people achieve their new status as "New Year, New Me!" For others, it is an opportunity to work on the thing(s) they want to improve in their life. Everyone sets out to achieve their new goals but time often serves as a barrier that prevents most from achieving their desired status. For some people it may be becoming more timely, organized, or reliable. For others it may be a change that will be a bit harder to achieve, which is why checklists can come in handy when trying to set goals. Remember, you are looking for progress and not perfection. 

Hannah's Shoebox is all about being the best you possible. So here are a few tips for those that are thinking about creating resolutions for the new year. 

1. Begin by assessing yourself and asking if there is anything that can help you improve your level of comfort, happiness, and satisfaction

2. Include small goals that are attainable

3. Include ways to check-in and track your progress. 

4. Good resolutions can be easy to talk about, and a bit harder to actually do.

You may get bored or irritated along the way but remember the inspiration for these resolutions Challenging yourself is difficult but rewarding.

So, get out there, set a goal for yourself, and conquer 2021!

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